The modern world brings many challenges, particularly for working folk where boundaries are increasingly blurred between work and personal time. How do we establish patterns that are good for mind, body and spirit? Our Lent Course this year – Healthy Rhythms: Refreshment for the soul – aims to give you some tools and resources to establish healthy spiritual patterns.
The Lent course is an occasion to meet together and to get to know one another. Most Bible study groups will pause over Lent we can all meet together at the Lent course. Each session will be a mix of small group discussion, Bible study, personal reflection, and some fun items to keep us on our toes!
Please feel free to join as few or as many sessions as you are able. There is no pre-study work, though we are hopeful you may pursue some of the topics in your own time!
If you have any questions, please contact Chris Nicholls on
Monday evenings in the church Hall, 8-9:30pm (refreshments from 7:30).
Six sessions – 27 February to 3 April
Wednesday afternoons via ZOOM, 2-3pm.
Six sessions 1 March to 5 April
To join in, please contact the Church Office
The course will be led by Chris Nicholls and is based on the book Healthy Rhythms for Leaders by Mark Dunwoody and Winfield Bevans. Mark is a former member of St John & St Philip. It is not necessary to obtain the book, though as we get into the material, you may be inspired to order a copy, see