Church of St. John and St. Philip, The Hague

A great way to make new friends, study the Bible, get involved with mission and become part of the community is to join a home group. There are a number of  ‘home groups’ which meet at different times and in different places. Some are organised by neighbourhood, and others around specific interests or stages of life.  If you would like some help choosing a home group, or if you would like to start a new home group, please speak to the chaplain Canon Michael Roden.

Wednesdays Online
Leader: Trudy Selter
Time: Wednesday 14:30-15:30
Location: on Zoom (contact Trudy for zoom link)

Women’s fellowship (Voorburg)
Leader: Katherine Fortier
Time: Tuesday evenings – fortnightly
Location: Laan van Nieuw Oostindie, Voorburg

Benoordenhout and Archipel
Leader: Carolyn Wiersum-; 06/
Time: Tuesday evenings
Location: Balistraat, The Hague

The Contemporaries:  Students and 20-somethings
Contact: Michael Roden
Time and Place: varies, often at Riouwstraat 2 (the vicarage)
Meeting for Bible study, deep dive discussions, and just making Christian friendships

Faith and Fellowship: 30’s and 40’s 
Contact: Ed Frettingham
Time: monthly after 11:00 service
Location:  church Lounge, plus various group outings