Church of St. John and St. Philip, The Hague

A great way to make new friends, study the Bible, get involved with mission and become part of the community is to join a home group. There are a number of home groups which meet at different times and in different places. If you would like some help choosing a home group, or if you would like to start a new home group, please speak to the chaplain Canon Michael Roden.

Leader: Trudy Selter 079-321-1030
Time: Wednesday 14:30-15:30
Location: on Zoom (contact Trudy for zoom link)

Archipelbuurt and Centrum
Leader: Katherine Fortier 06 22 46 58 17
Time: Tuesday evenings
Location: Nassauplein 20, 2585EC The Hague

Benoordenhout and Archipelbuurt
Leader: Carolyn Wiersum-; 06/
Time: Tuesday evenings
Location: Balistraat 99, The Hague

Voorburg / International Students
Leaders: Rosette & John Morrison-; 06/
Time: Tuesdays 19.00- 21.30
Location: Soomerluststraat 7, Voorburg
The group is comprised of International Students mainly from the Erasmus University Institute of Social Studies (ISS) and The Hague University. We also have young professionals, mainly Interns with International Organisations (ICC, (International Criminal Court) ICTY,(International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia), STL (Special Tribunal for Lebanon) and ICJ (International Court of Justice), au pairs, nannies and people who live in the Voorburg area. The evening starts with a delicious meal (swallowship 7-7:45pm), Worship (7:45-8:05pm) Fellowship; bible reading, discussion, testimonies (8:05-9:15pm) and finally prayer (9:15-9:30pm).
We build a strong community who rejoice with each other or mourn with each other when a member is affected. We celebrate birthdays, marriages, and look out for each other. The group is elastic and there is always room for one many more. The numbers vary between 12-20 on regular basis but we many times hit 25-30.