Church of St. John and St. Philip, The Hague

Farewell Collection for Christina and Fred Edelen

On Sunday 26th of June, we will be saying farewell to our wonderful organist and choir director Christina Edelen, and her husband Fred. Their contribution to the musical and spiritual life of our church has been immense. Christina came to us in 2006 and since then has carried on the strong musical tradition of our church with enormous energy, professionalism and dedication. As brilliant organist, inspiring choir director, and peerless organizer, she kept us musically inspired throughout many incumbencies, interregnums and lockdowns. Especially during the pandemic, Fred and Christina spent many hours compiling, performing and recording music for our streamed services. Their patience and forbearance during that period was extraordinary!
Alas, Fred and Christina’s service and ministry are coming to an end as they return home to the USA. We will be holding retiring collections as a gift to Christina and Fred at this week 11.00 Choral Matins and at the Choral Evensong on the 26th. You can also contribute via QR codes distributed with the services sheets or via the link below (“betaalverzoek…”)