Church of St. John and St. Philip, The Hague

Easter Day All Age Zoom – 9:30

On Easter Day we invite you to an All Age Zoom gathering (Leader: Canon Michael Roden and Preacher: Katherine Fortier). The zoom link for this service has been shared in last week’s Church email. If you would like to join this service please send an email requesting a Zoom link to

Good Friday Service – 12:00

The Good Friday Service has three elements. Please feel free to join us for any or all:12.00-13.00: Poems and Readings for Good Friday13.00-14:00: Meditation on the Cross14.00-15.00: The Liturgy of the Cross Please click on this link to join the service.

Good Friday Workshop – 9:30

One highlight of Holy Week has always been our interactive hands-on Good Friday Workshop. This year, we aim to keep that feeling with some of the same elements in an interactive ZOOM version at 9:30 on Good Friday (2 April). As always, please feel free to invite your family and friends.If you can, do make…

Mothering Sunday – 14 March 2021

This weekend is Mothering Sunday and we are marking this with a joint service that includes all ages from our Church Family.  We really hope you can join us. As you can see below the meaning of Mothering Sunday has changed over time.   The Journey to the Mother Church In the 16th century, Mothering Sunday…

Guy’s farewell

We had a lovely set of farewells for our wonderful curate Guy last weekend and we are all praying for him as he is licensed on Sunday 7th March in Liege. We had fond tributes and gifts from all parts of our diverse church and I am delighted that six former clergy colleagues turned up…


Dearly beloved brothers and sisters, The Churchwardens are delighted to announce that Bishop Robert is going to license Guy to the office of chaplain in the Anglican Church of Liege/Luik, Belgium. We are very grateful for his ministry here in The Hague and will be sad to see him go.  We ask you to keep him in…

Licensing Service of Revd Canon Michael Roden

Saturday, 09 January 2021 ~ 14.00 Dear Church Family, We ask you to pray for Michael’s Licensing which will be held on Saturday 9th January at 14.00 hours. We hope and pray that the modest service, with only essential participants and without a congregation, can be followed by a celebration in the summer. The service…

On-Line Services

Following the Prime Minister’s address in December, we have decided that, in order to honour the government’s request for a national lockdown, we would like to play our part. Rather than holding in person services at the moment, we will be providing online services – either pre-recorded, live streamed with no congregation present, or live…